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Breathe for 3 minutes

One of the most helpful things we can do for ourselves in times of stress or anxiety is simply to breathe.

It takes just 3 minutes of slow, mindful breathing to switch our body from the sympathetic state of fight or flight, into our parasympathetic state of rest and digest.

The two states can’t coexist, so when the body is in fight/flight mode it cannot relax, digest or reproduce. Put simply, it cannot thrive.

One of the quickest ways of stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system, our thrive state, is to breathe.

Just spend 3 minutes sitting quietly, and comfortably breathe in and out through the nose. Notice the breath entering and leaving the body, and if it feels helpful you can count, inhale for 3 seconds, and exhale for 4.

Try to keep your focus on the breath, the sensation of the rise and fall of your ribs and being in the present moment.

If your thoughts wonder, just gently bring them back to the breath.

It works like magic!

By Emma Wightman