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Prepare yourself for Spring

How to get more prepared for gardening and other Spring activities 

A warmth in the air has an irresistible pull - suddenly the garden needs sprucing up after winter, or the tennis courts have dried up enough for a proper game, or a long hike planned after a long time spent indoors. All fantastic to do, but if you haven’t done anything physical since October, it can be quite a shock to the unsuspecting body.

How do you prepare? Do some strengthening already now, and carry on with this through the season, to complement your other activities. Regularity is key! Do strengthening of your body 3-4 times a week.

Now: add some standing hand weight exercises, add a variation of push-ups (knees down make it easier), add a Superman (from push-ups, lift opposite arm and leg away from the floor).

Before you are about to start any activity: warm up your muscles and increase your heart rate. Do some squats, arm circles, spine twists, walking/jogging on the spot.

After your activity: don’t sit down before you have added some stretching! Stretch your neck, stretch the front and back of your legs, lie on your back and let your arms move wide to the sides with your palms up to the ceiling. Stretching your glutes and hamstrings will often help prevent a stiff back!

It doesn’t have to be more complicated than that to keep your muscles able and strong, and ready for your next session!

Anneli McCullagh

To book your Pilates lesson at the SOP, please contact Anneli McCullagh directly by email